Pigment Deficiency Correction in Captive Clown Fish, Amphiprion ocellaris Using Different Carotenoid Sources

Five tanks were used to culture experimental fish species (Amphiprion Ocellaris), for 90 days. Five types of formulated feeds were made using four natural carotenoid sources, viz., seaweeds (Feed A & Feed-B), brown Sargassum Wightii (Feed–B), commercial Astaxanthin (Feed–C) and Beet root Beta vermicillis (Feed–D) at a rate 20 g/100g feed. Control feed (Feed sans Pigment extracts), Feed a (Feed With Pigment Extracts of Red Seaweed), Feed B(Feed With Pigment Extracts of Brown Seaweed), Feed C (“Feed” with commercial astaxanthin), and Feed D (“Feed” with Pigment Extracts of Beet Root). For colour enhancement testing, one set of control and four experimental groups were kept. All fish were given one control feed and four experimental feeds twice daily. Analyses of the proximate composition and sources of pigments were made. The experiment ended with the recording of colour and growth. The highest range of pigmentation was found in fishes that were fed feed-D, followed by feeds-A, feeds-B and feeds-C. Control feed had the lowest value. Feed-D diet fishes had a high growth rate, while control diet fishes had a low one. Beetroot pigment extracts have potential antioxidant activity and lower artemia toxicity. This is the first step in future research. This study could lead to the conclusion that natural colour enhancers can be made at a lower price using inexpensive sources of pigments enhancement in ornamental fishing.

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